Be a Man

You gawk at her.
Lusting after her.
Imagining your head buried between her breast.

She’s just a being formed with a cleft between her legs.
Protruding tissues on her chest.
Oh Yes! They call them breasts.
She’s female.
A feminine version of you.
But she’s just a being like you.
What makes her different?

Not for once!
Did she welcome you in.
She never told you, “Rape me please.”

You blamed her skirt.
Cursing her for revealing her legs.
Your wanton eyes imagined her as your pleasure filled paradise.

You wanted to satiate that lust you felt.
Insert that bulge in your pants like it were some kind of die you cast on a board game called……life?

How did you get here?
Led by that thing in your pants.
Hurting her FIRST with your EYES.
Then with your HANDS.
Oh….now there goes her PRIDE.

When did you lose yourself in your desire?
When did you start thinking with your pants instead of your mind?
When did you lose your identity?
Are you even a MAN?

Let your hands protect not smite.
Let your eyes love not lust.

While we’re on the topic,
Just because you have a manhood doesn’t make you a man.

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